New criteria for diagnosing obesity; Medicare price negotiations

New criteria for diagnosing obesity; Medicare price negotiations

January 22, 2025

1 min read

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A report from The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology Commission has proposed new criteria for defining and diagnosing obesity, including measuring body fat to diagnose obesity instead of BMI alone.

The commission report also recommended that health care professionals conduct a further assessment to determine whether a person has clinical or preclinical diabetes after confirming that they have excess body fat.

Scale and tape measure

A Lancet commission report proposed using measurements of body fat, rather than BMI, to diagnose obesity. Image: Adobe Stock

“We hope the new reframing will increase the accuracy of diagnosis, and because of that, it will lead to a more personalized treatment of people with obesity, proportionate and appropriate to their individual needs,” Francesco Rubino, MD, chair of the commission and professor of metabolic and bariatric surgery at King’s College London, told Healio.

It was the top story in endocrinology last week.

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